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We help people like you create a life of abundance &

Already know you want in?

Wish you could go hiking, spend time with your kids, or explore your hobbies without having to think about money every day?

Right now, you're tired of the grind — putting in endless hours for mere pennies.

You feel torn between two choices. 

Either you: 

  • Pick up another job, take on more projects, or work overtime hours — only to finally (maybe) pay all your bills 

OR you:

  • Say “f*** it” and live a life of leisure — but spend your days dodging calls from credit card collectors 

They’re both options… but neither is a good option!

What if you could make more than enough to pay your bills AND have the free time you desire?

It is possible, sweet friend!

Maybe you would —

😍 Sleep in until your body tells you to get up, rather than dragging yourself to the coffee machine at 5:45 am…

😍 Buy organic produce and healthy snacks at the grocery store without doing endless math for the cheapest price per unit…

😍 Volunteer as a parent chaperone on your kids' school trip to DC…

😍 Practice yoga every morning, and take the dog on regular hikes to the waterfall…

😍 Take your family to Ireland and stay at the cute bed & breakfasts, instead of the cheapest hotels on the outskirts of town…

😍 Work for just a few hours in your pjs cozy on your couch, and call it a day by noon…

😍 Book the direct flight at normal hours when you travel instead of flying the red-eye with a 2-hour layover just to get the cheapest deal…

😍 Stay in bed reading to finish a fantasy novel, and finally heal from the anxiety and burnout of previous jobs…

😍 Set aside 1-2 hours each day just to indulge in your favorite hobby like painting, gardening, or playing the piano — giving yourself the mental break and self-care you deserve…

When you read that list, does it make you feel envious? Hopeless, because it feels so out of reach? Greedy, because who are you to deserve those things?

Whatever comes up for you, it’s okay. We’ve been there, too.

Hey, by the way! 👋

We’re Adri and Rebecca, two girls who started out with a humble dream of:

🏡 working from home 

⌛ setting our own hours

💵 and paying our bills

Then we discovered we could have so much more. 

That list of freedoms might feel like a pipe dream to you now. But I assure you, my friend, they aren’t. 

In fact, these are all real examples from our own lives.

If you’re anything like me (Rebecca here 👋), you’ve been led to think these are just dreams. 

That was my story too. 

I never imagined I could be a single mom, working from anywhere in the world, homeschooling my two teenagers, and having free time to garden and read. 

It felt like a fantasy. Something so distant and out of reach that I’d be crazy to think it could all come true. That this could be my reality one day.

But it’s not crazy! And these shouldn't be just dreams. 💞

This is how you should be living day in and day out — in abundance and balance.

Because you deserve it.

The good news — it’s way easier than you think to get there.

Right now life feels like an agonizing choice…

Do you hustle every day waiting for your 2-week vacation? 

Or dodge all responsibilities til the rent’s due and you have a full-blown panic attack?

The truth is, you DON’T have to choose between being overworked but barely scraping by or saying “YOLO” but secretly drowning in debt and anxiety.

We know because we found a different path. 🚀

Both of us have been in your shoes before — juggling multiple jobs, completely burnt out, struggling to make ends meet, and yearning for a career that offered both abundance and joy.

But the one thing we weren’t willing to sacrifice was our freedom. 

We refused to believe the narrative that a traditional 9-5 is the only way to pay the bills. 

So how did we create this life for ourselves? 

We specialized in a highly-valued skill that’s surprisingly easy to learn: Writing and sending emails!

To be honest, we were both shocked to discover how something as simple as writing emails pays so dang well.🤯

And it turns out, businesses everywhere are looking for help with email.

Btw, we aren’t talking about those spammy, annoying emails that look like someone crammed a flashing neon billboard into your inbox. 

We’re talking about fun, engaging emails that actually make you feel good. Emails that are captivating, entertaining, and help people find the products and services they genuinely want.

Real quick…

Think about those emails that you LOVE to read. 

Maybe it’s your local yoga studio that sends you mindfulness tips and meditations. Or an interior designer who shares incredible before-and-afters along with behind-the-scenes stories of the install. 

Guess what? 

You could be working with those brands. 

You could be the one writing those gorgeous emails. 

And you could be getting paid top-dollar. 💰

The possibilities are endless (and exciting), my friend.

Plus, not only will you make great money writing emails, but your clients will freakin’ love you! 

Email often accounts for nearly HALF of a brand’s revenue. That’s why they’re willing to pay the big bucks for a little help crafting those emails. 🎉

Also, emails are:

  • Short

  • Conversational

  • And crazy fun to write 🙌

Seriously, both of us started specializing in email because it was our favorite thing to do.

Writing an email feels like sitting down and chatting with a friend over the perfect cup of coffee. ☕🤗

In fact, you don’t want to sound professional when you write emails. Because emails are even more effective when they sound friendly and informal. 

So… Do you want to make money writing emails that are fun, fast, and well-paid? 

Don’t just take it from us, check out what some of our students are saying 👇

Straight from our students:

Are you already a copywriter or online service provider?

If so, you’re in the right place too. 

You’ve probably found your way here because something in your business isn’t working. 


😪 You’ve had your hands glued to the keyboard writing long-form blogs for $200 a pop until your eyes feel like they’re bleeding bluelight… 

😪 You’ve been spinning your wheels as a “generalist,” taking any and every project you can get — even if it doesn’t pay well…

😪 You set your own hours, but lately, that means working nights and weekends just to make ends meet…

Chances are, you already know that writing emails is fun! You get to write copy that's casual, conversational, and creative.

So maybe you want to add email to the list of services you offer (or even go all-in on becoming an email specialist 🙌), but — truthfully — you don’t know where to begin. 

You read blogs and help guides, watch YouTube tutorials, and desperately collect every free template that even mentions the word “email…” 

But it’s never enough. You still feel lost. And you certainly never feel like you could confidently hop on a call with a client and say, “Of course, I can help you with that. Let’s get started.” 

That’s why we’re here. To share something revolutionary with you. 🔥

But first, we’re gonna officially introduce ourselves!

Meet The Girls 👯‍♀️

Hiiii 👋

We’re Adri and Rebecca, two latte-lovin’ email writers who once sat exactly where you are now. 

Seriously, we both started with zero experience in the online biz world, so no matter whether you’re working 3 jobs and just dreaming of freelancing, or you’re well on your way but haven’t quite “made it” to your dream life yet… 

We 👏 have 👏 been 👏 there. 👏

First up,

Hey, hey! If we haven’t met yet, my name is Adri (pronounced like “Audrey” 🤷🏼‍♀️).

I’m a proud Millennial dog mom, a board game geek, a fantasy reader, and I’m obsessed with college football (go Vols! 🍊)

Before I was an email marketer, I was a zookeeper for 8 years — and to be honest, I loved it.

Training lions and bears, hand-raising cheetahs, breeding nearly extinct black-footed ferrets for release into the wild… it was as magical and rewarding as you might imagine.

But parts of it were... not so rewarding:

⏳ Working long, long hours for very little pay

😷 Showing up sick because we were too short-staffed to take off

🎄 Missing weekends and holidays with the fam, because animals still gotta eat

I realized I had “passion fatigue” and I needed to take a step back and reevaluate my mental health in light of my career.

Then I discovered the world of online business and opened a brand new door of opportunity. 

✈️ Working from anywhere…

💸 Controlling my own income…

🧘🏼‍♀️ Taking the time I needed for my mental health…

It completely changed my life.

But it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows at first. It was tough to start a whole new career, and at the beginning, it felt like I was just bumbling around trying anything and everything to get my little business off the ground.

Then I found email. 🔥

Suddenly I found a type of writing I loved doing. A lucrative skill that brands WANTED to pay me for. And I found I no longer had to work full-time or (let’s be honest) more than full-time to make ends meet.

Now, I make enough to pay my bills working just 6 hours per week. 

I choose when – or IF – I take on more projects, which means I have the time and space to take care of my mental health. 💗✨

If you feel like you work too hard to barely make ends meet, then I want to help you change that.


Hey there!

Here’s a quick rundown of who I am and what I love:

👫 Mama to two teenagers

💗 Recently re-married

🌟 Military wife for 15 years

☕ Avid latte drinker

🐕 Lover of animals (we’ve got 4 bunnies, 2 dogs, + 1 bearded dragon)

✈️ Hooked on traveling with my fam

Before I started my online copywriting business, I was a military wife, homeschooling, and stay-at-home momma — and I absolutely adored every second of it. ♥️

Except for the crazy unhealthy marriage I was in. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 😢

One day, without any warning, my husband left. I found myself cut off financially with no degree, no job experience, and almost nothing in my fridge.

It was that bad. 😔

I had nothing to fall back on. 

But I had two kids to feed and a mortgage to pay. So I started cleaning houses to make quick cash. I enrolled in college because that’s what everyone was telling me to do. “To get a good job, you’ve gotta get a degree.” 

I quickly realized that by the time I was actually done with college and making a decent living, my kids would be out of the house and more than likely, I’d be drowning in student debt.

This wasn’t going to work, I needed a career right now.

So I dropped out of college, kept cleaning houses, and dove headfirst into studying and learning copywriting.

I knew that I could make this work.

I HAD to make this work.

Even though I only had 30 minutes a day to dedicate to building my business, I kept moving forward. One baby step at a time.

Within 4 months of launching my LLC 👉I was making EXACTLY what I needed to keep us afloat — $4k/month. But keep in mind, this income — it just paid the bills. There was nothing extra! No dinners out, no treats… nothin’.

So after a year of:

🏃 Hustling

💻 Learning all the things

⚖️ Trying to balance work/life

And even more hustling — I realized I needed to:

→ work less and

→ get paid more

Because there’s only one of me, and I was spread way too thin.

I had completed a few email projects at this point, so I saw the value of being able to offer *full-service email* (not just writing emails, but taking care of the backend as well).

So I started pitching email retainers… and guess what?

👉 My clients jumped at what I was offering.

And I’ve never looked back.

Finally, I was working less but getting paid more! The balance I needed in my life.

Now I handle emails for some pretty big businesses making up to $15,000/month. 🤯

And my total yearly income… over $120,000. 

When the two of us met for the first time…

we instantly connected over our shared passion for email! 

We laughed about our early bumbling days as we tried to figure out how to offer email as a service.

We lost so. many. hours. trying to hack it together from a bajillion different resources. And we made a lot of mistakes along the way. 

It’s funny to laugh at now… But if there’s one thing we could do over, it would be that time of trial-and-error. 

I mean, why isn’t this stuff all in one place somewhere? Couldn’t there be an instruction manual or something?

That’s why we came together and built this resource for you.

So YOU can take a shortcut to our level of success. 

❌ Skip the hours of blog reading

❌ Skip the YouTube rabbit holes

❌ Skip the months of fumbling around, calling yourself an expert when you just barely know more than the next person

We’ve put together a resource so complete, that you’ll have everything you need to confidently show up as the email expert you were meant to be!


Inbox Academy

Your comprehensive guide to becoming an email pro

~ so you can earn more than full-time income working less than part-time hours ~

Inbox Academy is an online course and community that:

🔥 Teaches email copywriting AND all that scary backend stuff

🔥 Shows you how to structure your service AND find new clients

🔥 Offers loads of live support along the way

The content, support, and community in Inbox Academy so far have been awesome! Seriously. I think email is the deliverable I’ve purchased the most courses to learn at this point, and still never really felt like I understood how to offer it as a service.

Y’alls support has finally helped me to get to a point where I feel confident telling people I can do this for them, because I either have the answers in the content or I can ask and I know y’all will provide super specific feedback so I know what to do next.”

— Brandy, Inbox Academy Student

What’s included?

8 dynamite modules that cover everything from writing and formatting your emails, to technical backend tutorials, to creating custom strategies and content calendars 

An online community to connect with other business owners, get your questions answered, and feel supported on this journey

2 LIVE Q&A calls every month for a whole year to answer all your questions and dig into your unique hurdles and challenges 

Lifetime access to the course material so you can continue to reference this resource whenever you need it

Access to all future lessons as and when they’re added at no additional cost to you. Once you’re in, you’re in!

Looking for more details? Just keep reading!

Here’s how we can take you from “what-the-heck-is-an-ESP” to a confident email pro.

This is the rundown, module by module…

  • This module alone will give you the skills to avoid costly email mistakes and begin making sales for your clients.

    In Module 1 you’ll:

    • Realize the full power of email marketing and what it can do for you and your clients

    • Learn a few *clutch* tips and tricks that will instantly elevate your email game

    • Master your email marketing mindset so you can finally get over that feeling of “but what if I’m annoying them?”

  • When you finish this module, you’ll be able to confidently write an email from start to finish and know it’s going to get results.

    From crafting must-open subject lines all the way to the footers and sign-offs, you’ll discover writing emails is a breeze.

    In Module 2 you’ll:

    • Learn the trick to never running out of inspiration

    • Nail the simple but essential design elements in your email so your copy never falls flat

    • Master the art of subject lines — because if no one opens your emails, what’s the point of writing them? 🧐

  • Next, you’ll discover how to build a diverse content strategy (it’s surprisingly easy), and get our 52 email themes so you can send an email every week of the year and never run out of ideas.

    By the end of this module, you’ll love sitting down to plan out a content strategy — because it’s super easy and you get paid amazingly well for it!

    In Module 3 you’ll:

    • Watch an example of how we plan monthly email strategies and present it to our clients

    • Learn what “nurturing” is and why it’s so important (Spoiler alert: It helps your sales hit peak performance!)

    • Receive multiple resources that make your monthly content planning a breeze

  • This module takes a complex subject and breaks it down into easy-to-follow dos and don’ts that’ll have you ready to fire up email automations and start making your clients all that moolah. 🤑

    Even if you’re not tech savvy, by the end of this module you’ll realize you can easily apply these formulas to meet any client’s needs — so you’re prepared for anything and feeling confident in your skills!

    In Module 4 you’ll:

    • Dive into the custom strategy stuff that clients pay the big bucks for

    • Gain access to 10+ email sequence strategies so you can grab and go when you need them

    • Learn how to think strategically, so you can create custom strategies when your client’s needs inevitably fall outside of cookie-cutter templates and solutions

  • Here’s where you get an over-the-shoulder view of how to upload, design, and schedule emails and opt-in forms, so you never feel lost in all that tech stuff.

    You’ll get our secret sauce tips and tricks to increase results, as well as alllll the mistakes to avoid along the way. (There’s a lot of them. 😅)

    In Module 5 you’ll:

    • Watch step-by-step as we create, design, and schedule in the backend of an Email Service Provider

    • Get behind-the-scenes looks at multiple Email Service Providers so you can see how they all use the same patterns and controls

    • Gain a deeper understanding of deliverability, plus how and why to do that elusively confusing “list cleaning”

    Psst: If some of those terms went over your head, that’s totally okay. We explain everything in depth so it’s super easy to understand.

  • This is the stuff you’re probably a little (or maybe more than a little) scared of.

    But yet again we’re going to give you step-by-step video instructions that’ll leave you with the confidence to boldly say “yes, I can do that” to anything a client throws your way.

    In Module 6 you’ll:

    • Learn a little-known trick to make your emails stand out in the inbox

    • Master the skill that email pros use to nail that 1:1 conversational feel in their emails

    • Discover how to use fancy customizations to insert your customer’s favorite products, pet’s name, or astrological sign (Psst: these customizations aren’t just fun. They’ve been shown to increase revenue by up to 40% 😱)

  • To wrap up your email education you’ll learn how to quickly and easily analyze your email data and create effective reports for your clients.

    Plus we’ll even teach you a few tricks on how to present that data to your clients so you can manage expectations, show off how Pro you really are, and come away with glowing testimonials.

    In Module 7 you’ll:

    • Get our favorite tool for creating beautiful, professional reports

    • Learn how to extract the data you need quickly

    • And get our top tips for presenting that data to your clients

  • Client Acquisition & Project Management

    Last, but certainly not least, you’ll get what is perhaps the most valuable bit of all — ALL the combined knowledge and experience we have about building an email marketing business.

    This includes how and where to find clients, how to package and price your services, and more. By the time you wrap up this module, you’ll feel like a business badass ready to build that dream life.

    In Module 8 you’ll:

    • Discover our tried-and-true path to building the kind of client relationships that have them begging for retainers

    • Receive our top tips to avoid the dreaded almost-client ghosts 👻

    • Get personal stories and insights into how we built our thriving email marketing businesses

“I’ve taken tons of copywriting courses in the past, but few have been as directed as Inbox Academy in that it’s not just ‘how to be a copywriter’ but rather ‘this is how you get results as an email marketer.”


“I’m really glad I joined your course. I feel like no matter what happens in the future, I have everything I need to know about email marketing, and that in itself is priceless for me. Plus I have a great community to get insight from. :)”


“I’m going to be honest… if I can do it (a totally brain-scattered mom who is sleep-deprived and a little super crazy who can hardly have an adult conversation) then you can absolutely do it too!”


That’s Not Even the Best Part!

What really sets Inbox Academy apart is the coaching and community. 

We’re not going to sugarcoat it. Email isn’t always ‘simple’. But that doesn’t mean email can’t be easy, and fun! 

Every client and every project will be a little different… which is why we incorporate live coaching Q&A’s and a well-monitored community to get your questions answered ASAP. 

This way, you’re not left in the dark, banging your head against the keyboard because your new client doesn't fit in a neat little box. 

Don’t worry, with our live support — we’ve got you. 💪

“First, I wanted to say that I’m SO glad I made this investment because the feedback and answers from you guys (on the forum, as well as on the live Q&A calls) are just priceless! I feel very encouraged and almost — dare I say? — confident to try out new, scary things because of the support you give me/us.”

Kristina, Inbox Academy Student

“Hey Adri & Rebecca,

I know I’ve mentioned this, but thanks so much for all the epic support you’re providing in Inbox Academy. I’ve already booked email work that I can attribute to what I’ve learned , and I feel confident I’ll keep growing with email projects this quarter.”

Brandy, Inbox Academy Student

Join the Waitlist ✧

Because we monitor the needs of our current students, we can never be certain when the doors will open again. 

The sooner you join the waitlist, the sooner you can join the family and start working your way into highly-paid email projects — working less, and earning more for your precious time.

Our Heartfelt Promise to You

Our Heartfelt Promise to You •

Sure, we both have thriving businesses now, but the truth is both of us had rocky beginnings in this online world. We’ve both been right where you are now

We’ve struggled with financial scarcity, burnout, health scares, nightmare clients… kids (they just deserve their own category, don’t they? 😆).

Our heartfelt promise to you is that we see you as a human and a friend. We listen, and we care — you aren’t just a number to us. 

In fact, that’s why Inbox Academy isn’t open all the time. We want to make sure we always have the bandwidth to give YOU all the support you need.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you’re:

    ✅ A new copywriter or marketer who wants to specialize in email but doesn’t know where to start…

    ✅ A marketer or business owner who has been doing some email marketing, but don’t feel experienced enough to really take it on...

    ✅ A business owner who wants to use email marketing for your own business…

    ✅ Brand new to the online world but super interested in email…

    Then Inbox Academy was made with you in mind.

  • Not at all! Like we’ve said, we started Inbox Academy because we wanted to create a complete resource for email marketing.

    Will there be some stuff in here that you’ve heard before? Sure. (Though we recommend you go through the foundational modules anyway because there are some tiny nuggets of knowledge in there that have a BIG impact on conversions).

    But if you’ve been trying to piece it all together from YouTube videos and CopyHackers blogs… I promise, Inbox Academy will feel like a big ‘ole pitcher of lemonade after a harrowing trek through the desert.

    You’ll finally have a comprehensive resource to turn to whenever you have a question related to email, and that’s not even including the coaching and community support!

    And don’t worry, you won’t be alone either. A large percentage of our students already have some experience with copywriting and email marketing.

  • Busy with work, kids, and other courses?

    Oooof friend, I feel you there. You are b.u.s.y — that’s why you’re so interested in Inbox Academy.

    Because you want to take back your time and freedom! 👏

    But don’t worry, ‘cause we had YOU in mind when we made this course.

    We broke everything down into bite-sized lessons (mostly 5-15 minutes each) so you can fit them in while you’re on a lunch break, drinking your morning coffee, driving to the store, or washing the dishes.

    The longest lesson inside Inbox Academy is 26 minutes and 08 seconds.

    So if you can dedicate 30 minutes a day, you can get there!

    We promise, no matter how busy you are, you’ve got this. 💪 And we’re right by your side every step of the way.

  • Not at all!

    Just like anything else, email is a skill which means it can be learned. And inside Inbox Academy we break everything down into bite-sized lessons with follow-along tutorials and step-by-step instructions.

    And if you ever get hung up, that’s where our live coaching and community will swoop in to give you the support you need.

    The backend stuff looks wayyyy scarier than it is. Most business owners don’t do it for themselves not because they can’t, but because they simply don’t have the time to sit down and learn that new skill.

    And the good news is, even if you decide you hate the backend stuff, you can still offer email copywriting and strategy and earn very good money. (Seriously, we know many email copywriters who make over 6-figures and never touch the backend).

  • Okay, you want our real opinions on AI? It’s just not good enough to fully replace quality writers. If you’re still worried, it’s because you’ve never tried to use it before.

    But also, becoming a full-service email marketer (meaning you do the strategy, the writing, and the backend) is one of the ways you can AI-proof your business. Seriously! AI is lightyears away from fully taking over content strategy and backend setup. These skills will be highly sought after for many years to come.

  • Live calls are currently every other Tuesday at 11 am EDT. The replay is always posted in the community, and you’ll have an opportunity before each call to submit your Qs in case you can’t make it.

Who’s Right for Inbox Academy?

This is the course for you if you are: 

✔ A freelance marketer or copywriter who wants to add email marketing to your services

✔ An experienced marketer or copywriter who wants to take back your time by earning more and working less

✔ A fledgling online business owner who wants a high-paying gig that doesn’t require working full-time

In short, Inbox Academy is the course we wish we had to take us from newbie freelancers to highly paid email pros. 

… Email pros who command monthly retainers of $3k, $5k, even $15k from a single client. (And the work only takes a few hours per day 😆). 

If that sounds like your dream, you’re in the right place!

Imagine waking up each morning to the gentle hum of your coffee machine, and not panicking to look at your to-do list. 😍

As you sip your latte, you glance at your calendar and smile, noting the hours of blank space ready to be filled. 

There’s time for walks, working out, playing with your kids, and grabbing lunch with a friend. Balance, baby! ⚖️

When you’re ready, you pull out your laptop and put in a few good hours of writing. 

Gone are the days of rushing to meet deadlines or sacrificing precious moments with loved ones for the sake of work (or the lack of money).

Instead, you're in control of your time, choosing when and where to work — all while earning more than you ever thought possible. 🙌

This isn't just a dream; it's the reality we’ve created for ourselves through the power of email. And trust me, if we can do it, so can you!

Earn more than full-time income working less than part-time hours